Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What's in the bag?

As most of you know my cat went to cat heaven this past weekend. After much crying and feeling sorry for myself, I realize that my other cat was also going through its own grieving period. The poor thing sits on my vanity, stares at itself in the mirror and meows nonstop. No this is not something it's used to doing. It's new! It just started Saturday afternoon ( Ronnie passed way Saturday morning).
So now I'm trying to do everything  possible to get it to cheer up. Which in my case means buying stuff ( yeah, it's also meant to cheer me up).  So this is why the following conversation took place..

 I come into house with huge bag..
Bro: what's in the bag?
Me: Cat toys!
Bro: more? Did you not buy it a bag full on Sunday?
Me: well, yes but these are different. Tiger is going to like these ones. I was in the store and told myself to think like a cat. What would I like to play with? What looks fun??
Bro: You are too weird. 

10 mins later I come out of my room completely defeated...
Bro: should I assume that you and your cat don't think alike??
Me:  :0p die!!

All joking aside, I really need to sleep and the cat meowing is not helping. So If anyone knows of ways to help it, please help me out.

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