Friday, June 14, 2013

I finally found the worst show ever..

"What happen in Bali" ( or as I like to call it "The worst drama ever made") 
    In my sleep less nights I stumble upon this drama. Made in 2004 with 20 episodes and it has one of my favorite actress Ha Ji-Won.  I figure whats the worst that can happen right??
Boy... How I wish I could get my time back. 
The show in a few words..  Pretty people + spoil people + Stupid people + gun = very angry me...
Ok here's the actual plot... 
Male A is engage to marry female B, both are pretty, privilege, self-center and most importantly they don't like each other. Theirs is an arrange marriage between two powerful families. 
Female B is actually in love with her old boyfriend ( yes, Im calling him Male B, is less confusing this way). Male B, is an average Joe ( a very good looking one) but he is poor. So he could do nothing when Female B broke up with him to marry Male A. So he packed up his stuff and moved to a different country. Are you wondering were Female A is? Yeah, me too...  
anyhow.. Somehow these 3 people end up together in Bali where we finally meet Female A. She also very pretty but a bit dim. Female A is poor and dreams of meeting a rich man that will take her away from her poverty. She works as a tour guide in Bali, and ends up giving our happy trio a tour. 
I guess I should point out that Male A believes his future wife ( female B) came to Bali to meet her lover and is not very happy. He may not love her, but she is his toy darn it. 
Bali teaches us a few things that will become important
1. Male B & female A are meant to be because they keep meeting everywhere(its a K-drama cliche) 
2. Male A is an a$&, who assumes that anything can be fix with money
3. Female A has really crappy luck and the worse oppa ever. 
After the trip because of different reasons everyone is back in South Korea. 
also because its a drama their paths keep crossing.
Female A ends up living next door to Male B. Male B works for Male A's company.  Then Female A ends up working in the same company. Soon we have our love triangle in full swing. If you are wondering why this is not a love square, its because Female B turns into such a sad character, shes basically a drunk for rest of episodes.
Its here where the story goes even more crazy. Both our Male characters become obsess with Female A. She basically strings Male A along because he is rich. Yet seems to honestly care for Male B. 
It all culminates with Male A finally telling his family he cant live without Female A. Which leads to his dad actually sending thugs to get rid of her, and disowning him. While all this is going on Male B gives Female A a plane ticket to Bali to come with him. She accepts and the next time we see them, they are both happily playing in a pool enjoying life. Happily ever after...... lol.. nope..
Back in SK, Male A is sick with worry still trying to find his beloved. He then learns that his company is in ruins because Male B embezzle about 30 million dollars from them. All the signs seem to point to Female A also being in on the scam since the beginning. 
Heart Broken Male A flies to Bali and sees the happy couple enjoying life. Next we see him talking to shady character and buying a gun.. you all know where this is going right? 
We are now back to happy couple in bed. Male B tells her that he knows she does not love him. She can go back SK to be with the one she loves. She's in tears and agrees, saying that "her pride never let her admit how much she loved Male A" ( by now im pulling my hair!!! really you had to sleep with another guy to realize you loved someone else?). Zoom out to the end of the bed where Male A is pointing a gun, he shoot them both. ( This made me too happy!!) Before she dies, she looks at Male A and wispers "I love you" ( whatever!!). Male A  burst into tears, walks out towards the ocean and....... shoots himself. 

This is how it ends people!! everyone dies, no one got a happy ending. Nothing was learned or gained in these 20 hours. I'm still amazed that there's people that consider this one of their favorites. Why?  This drama left me empty, cold, and extremely angry.. So I made it my life's goal to keep people away from it. 
Ok till next time people😀

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